Serris Code Editor for Windows 10

Serris Code Editor for Windows 10

Serris Code Editor for Windows 10

Serris Code Editor is a code editor for the Universal Windows Platform (Windows Mobile, Desktop and HoloLens) and available for free with no ads in the windows store. The editor is currently compatible with 41 languages (like C#, C, C++, VB. NET, HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS, Lua, Python, XML, JSON, Java, PHP, TypeScript.) and has tools such as: Serris Web Render: a HTTP web server (PHP & ASP. NET is not available) which allow to check the rendering of your website. Lua engine: a Lua console which allow to test your Lua code. Coffee compilator: a CoffeeScript compiler ready to use. Also, you can: Create or open themes to customize Ui of Serris Code Editor. Create or use add-ons for the code editor. Use the tab system with search bar. Download source code directly on the application. Use a color picker directly on the application. Use auto completion (the auto completion Advanced is only available for desktop, otherwise, the basic auto completion is available for mobile). Use syntax highlighting. and more.


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