


Forget Deep Blue. The real fun in chess has always been in playing a true human opponent, who wavers and makes mistakes like you do. AlphaChess allows you to do just that, playing another live person over the Internet or over a local network. The interface is very simple, without flashy graphics, but you can select different colors for the board and choose from 20 different chess sets with different pictures for pieces. While playing, you can text chat with your opponent. There is no single-player version in this game–just like real chess, you have to find a real opponent and play online. But that’s a whole lot easier than hanging out in your local coffee shop waiting for another chess lover to sit down for a match.
Full Specifications


Version 4.0.3 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
AlphaChess is a new generation of computer chess program. It offers several advanced fonctionnalities while still remaining intuitive and easy to use which makes it the perfect solution whetheryou want to have fun with friend or hone your skills by playing against the computer. Three play mode are available, play a local game on one computer by exchanging the control between you and your adversary, play an online game by connecting to the new dedicated server which allows you to join or observe any created game or play against the computer’s artificial intelligence.

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